坂本 龍一
1989년 제31회 그래미상 최우수 오리지널 영화 음악 앨범상 등 세계적인 음악 상을 휩쓸었다.
He dominated the global music awards, including the 31st Grammy Awards, the 31st Grammy Awards, in 1989.
제30회 도쿄 국제 영화제 시상식이 3일 도쿄·록뽄기에서 열리고 터키 등 합작"구레인"(세미후·카플란 올 감독)이 경쟁 부문 최고상"도쿄 그랑프리"를 수상했다. 영화제는 이날 폐막했다.구레인 환경 파괴와 난민 문제, 식량 위기에 직면한 가까운 미래를 무대로 종자의 유전학자의 여행을 흑백으로 그렸다. 폐막은 앨 고어 전 미국 부통령이 기후 위기를 호소하는 다큐멘터리"불편한 진실 2 방치된 지구"가 장식했다.
Jointly Turkish
" Grain, "
(Semi-Kaplan Capranol)
He won the top prize in the competition category, " Tokyo Grand Prix. "
Al Gore Former Vice-President in USA
Climate crisis The film ended Closing Movie in black and white in the near future, as the film was destroyed by environmental destruction, refugee issues and food crises.
第30回東京国際映画祭の授賞式が3日、東京・六本木で開かれ、トルコなど合作の「グレイン」(セミフ・カプランオール監督)がコンペティション部門の最高賞「東京グランプリ」を受賞した。映画祭は同日、閉幕した。 「グレイン」は、環境破壊や難民問題、食料危機に直面した近未来を舞台に、種子の遺伝学者の旅をモノクロで描いた。 閉幕はアル・ゴア米元副大統領が気候危機を訴えるドキュメンタリー「不都合な真実2 放置された地球」が飾った。
화려한 폐막식
Spectacular closing ceremony
관객의 환호
Cheers of the audience
ceremony moved on to the Asian Future section. Jury members were clearly impressed by Passage of Life, the film about a Burmese family living in Japan, directed by Akio Fujimoto. The director was awarded The Spirit of Asia Award by the Japan Foundation Asia Center, while the film itself won the Best Asian Future Film Award. Said jury member Nick Decampo: “This film captures the delicate balance between reality and fiction.”
When accepting the latter award, Fujimoto, a first-time director, was joined on stage by the family who appeared in the film, all of whom were non-professional actors, and said, “I’m happy we were able to make this film in cooperation with Japan and Myanmar.”
Jury member and film director Isao Yukisada added that because of the jury’s passionate discussion, they ultimately selected another film for a Special Mention — first-time director Zhou Ziyang’s Old Beast. Jury member Oh Jungwan praised the film for its portrayal of modern Chinese society, while the director, accepting the award, recalled a touching moment he had with a viewer of the film at the festival, who was so moved, she merely handed him paper for an autograph.
It was then on to the main event: the winners of TIFF’s Competition section. The first announcement was for the Audience Award, which went to Japanese feature Tremble All You Want. Director Akiko Ooku said: “This film was shot in a very short period of time with a tiny crew, so I really didn’t expect this. It feels like a dream come true to be even nominated, let alone win.”
Next came the Best Screenplay Award by WOWOW, presented to Finnish thriller Euthanizer. The award was accepted by the film’s producer, Jani Pösö, who thanked the jury on behalf of director and screenwriter Teemu Nikki, joking, “Teemu and I usually co-write our films. This is actually the first film he wrote without me, and he won an award right away!”“
アジア発、世界へ、未来へ!”長編映画3本目までのアジア新鋭監督の作品をいち早く上映するアジア・コンペティション部門。日本から中東まで、いま最も活気に満ちたアジア圏のこれからの映画界をリードする作品を紹介します。また、選出された作品の監督やキャスト・スタッフを招聘して日本の観客や映像業界との交流を図り、アジアの才能を世界へ発信します。最優秀作品には「アジアの未来 作品賞」が贈られます。さらに、文化の違いを超えて国際的に活躍していくことが期待される監督に、「国際交流基金アジアセンター特別賞」が贈られます。
터키 출신의 감독 그랑프리
Semih Kaplanoğlu
監督: セミフ・カプランオール
미국 전 부통령 앨 고어 절친인 토미 리 존스와 도쿄 영화제 폐막식에서 만나다.
Former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore
At the Tokyo International Film Festival
Old friend Tommy Lee Jones meets again.
영화 러브스토리의 주인공
하버드 대학의 영재
노벨상 수상
너무나 화려한 이력의 소유자
Movie -love story Main character
A genius at Harvard
Vice President
Nobel Prize Winner
A man of splendor
중국 수상자들
Chinese Awards
'Japanese culture ' 카테고리의 다른 글
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