인구 1억 가까운 에티오피아
Hundred million population of Ethiopia
에티오피아 연방민주공화국.이티오피야 페데랄라위 디모크라시야위 리페블리크)은 아프리카에 있는 공화국이며 수도는 아디스아바바이다. 1931년 이전에는 '아비시니아'라 불렀다.유일하게 속국이 아닌 아프리카 국가였으나 내전과 분단을 맞이하지만 여전히 가능성 높은 국가다.
Officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia About this sound listen is a sovereign state located in the Horn of Africa. It shares a border with Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With nearly 100 million inhabitants. Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world, as well as the second-most populous nation on the African continent after Nigeria. It occupies a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq mi), and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa.
에티오피아 내에서 가장 인기 있는 스포츠는 축구다.그러나 이디오피아가 가장 강한 스포츠는 육상, 특히 마라톤 같은 장거리 경주다. 2011년 현재, 에티오피아는 올림픽에서 통산 금메달 18, 은메달 6개, 동메달 14개를 차지하고 있다, 모두 육상에서 획득한 것이다. 에디오피아는 인구가 많은 지역이 해발 2000m 이상의 고원에 있고 해발 2,400m 지점에도 있다. 따라서 심장과 폐 기능이 강화되었기에 장거리 경주에 유리하다고 생각 된다. 우리에게 잘 알려진 아베베 선수도 에티오피아 국적이다.
The main sports in Ethiopia are track and field (particularly long distance running) and football (soccer). Ethiopian athletes have won many Olympic gold medals in track and field, most of them in long distance running.[201] Haile Gebrselassie is a world-renowned long distance runner with several world records under his belt. Kenenisa Bekele and Tirunesh Dibaba are also dominant runners, particularly in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters in which they hold the world records.Other notable Ethiopian athletes are Abebe Bikila, Mamo Wolde, Miruts Yifter, Derartu Tulu, Tirunesh Dibaba, Meseret Defar, Birhane Adere, Tiki Gelana, Genzebe Dibaba, Tariku Bekele, and Gelete Burka. As of 2012 going into 2013, the current national Ethiopian football team (Walayia Antelopes) has made itself history by qualifying for the 2012 African Cup of Nations (CAF) and more recently by reaching the last 10 African football teams in the last stage of qualification for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Noted players include captain Adane Girma and top scorer Saladin Said. Ethiopia has Sub-Saharan Africa's longest basketball tradition as it established a national basketball team as early as 1949
新任駐日エチオピア大使チャム・ウガラ・ウリヤトゥ閣下(His Excellency Mr. Cham Ugala Uriat)エチオピア大使館に会った新任大使様
그는 경제 전문가로써 아프리카 여러 나라의 외교관였으며 4월에 일본 대사로 발령을 받았다.
As an economic expert Ambassador, he was diplomat on many countries of Africa and came to Japan now.
국영 국기를 사용하는 에티오피아 항공은 아데이스아베바의 국제 공항을 기점으로 에티오피아 국내는 물론 아프리카 각지, 유럽, 중동, 북미, 남미, 중남아시아. 동 아시아의 노선을 오픈했다. 2015년 4월을 일본 나리타 직항도 개설하였다.
The use of the national flag of the Ethiopian Airlines Addis Ababa international airport from all over Africa, as well as the Ethiopian domestic base, Europe, Middle East, South Asia, North America, South America, either. Opened the lines of East Asia. Direct flights from Narita, Japan April 2015, also opened.
에티오피아 커피
Lucy is in the United States and France for a joint search by November 30, 1974, was discovered in the fossil bones of the skull, nearly 40% of the entire body is found, the current status and three and a half million years ago, the magic found in the human development of mankind since antiquity is called the bulge was considered a valuable witness and became (during this period, significantly updated rami das monkey is one of the 20 years after the discovery of).
에티오피아를 비롯한 아프리카의 질병 제거, 안전한 식수, 무상의 교육을 지원해야 한다는 생각이다.
Get rid of the disease in Africa, including Ethiopia, safe drinking water, should be support the of a free education
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