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Japanese Food

Cold Stone Creamery- 콜드스톤 크리미

콜드스톤(Cold Stone)은 미국 애리조나 주 템피에 본사를 두고 있는 아이스크림 전문 체인점이다. 이 브랜드는 1988년에 설립되었으며, 돌판 위에서 여러 종류의 아이스크림을 과일 등과 섞어주는 제조 방식으로 유명하다. 미국에 1,300개 점포를 두고 있으며 일본은 도쿄 롯폰기 본점에서 시작하여 전국에 7개 분점을 두고 있다. 한국은 2005년 들여왔으나 2015년 철수하였다. 가격이 상당히 높은 편이며 맛도 좋은 아이스크림이다.

The Company was co-founded in 1988 by Susan and Donald Sutherland, who sought ice cream that was neither hard-packed nor soft-serve. Publicity materials describe it as "smooth and creamy super-premium ice cream." Cold Stone Creamery opened its first store that year in Tempe, Arizona.The original Cold Stone Creamery, store #0001, is in operation today near the same intersection (southwest corner of McClintock & Southern) as the original Tempe location. The store moved from the original location to the current location in the early 1990s.In 1995, Cold Stone Creamery opened its first franchise store in Tucson, Arizona. Shortly after, a second location (first out of state) was opened in Camarillo, California. Cold Stone Creamery is now the sixth bestselling brand of ice cream in the US and operates stores in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand,Brazil Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Guam, China, Mexico, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kenya.Trinidad and Tobago, Qatar, Nigeria, Kuwait, The Philippines, Singapore and Turkey. In 2008, Cold Stone opened its first European franchise in Copenhagen, Denmark. Three more stores were later opened in other parts of the country. In January 2006, the Company was named the 11th fastest-growing franchise by Entrepreneur magazine. In June 2009, the Company opened its first locations in Canada, Mississauga and Ontario. As of 2015 there is one location in Toronto and only Canadian location. As of 2012, three stores had opened in Singapore. In March 2015, Cold Stone opened its first location in Turkey's capital Ankara. In 2015 Cold Stone Creamery opened its first location in El Salvador in Multiplaza Mall.

1988年にドナルド、スーザンのサザーランド夫妻(Donald & Susan Sutherland、俳優のドナルド・サザーランドとは別人)によって設立され、アメリカ合衆国のアリゾナ州テンピで開業。1995年アリゾナ州ツーソンにフランチャイズ一号店を出店して以降、全米各地に1300店舗を超える店舗を出店し、一大チェーンとして発展した。ニューヨーク・タイムズスクエアに旗艦店を持ち、アラスカやハワイ、カナダ、カリブ海地域、グアムやプエルトリコにも出店した。2004年ローレンス・モルツが相談役パートナーに就任。 澤田貴司氏にコールド・ストーン・クリーマリーを紹介し、2005年に澤田氏がコールド・ストーン・クリーマリー・ジャパンの代表取締役会長に就任した.2005年(平成17年)11月3日、初の米国外進出第1号店舗として東京都港区・六本木ヒルズに出店した。日本での店舗展開は順調で、現在は北海道・関東・東海・関西・九州の各地方で店舗を構えている。

콜드 스톤 크리미

Cold Stone Creamery


진한 우유와 토핑 아이스크림

It is a deep milk and topping ice cream


콜드 스톤 아이스 크리미 맛
cold Stone ice cream


차가운 돌에 아이스크림을 혼합한다.1

On the Cold Stone ice cream mix.


차가운 돌에 아이스크림을 혼합한다.2

On the Cold Stone ice cream mix.


노래 율동 겸비한다.
There are songs and rhythms.


고객을 향한 서비스

Service to the customer

고객을 향한 서비스 2

Service to the customer



딸기 토핑 가득한 콜드 스톤 아이스크림

Cold Stone ice cream filled with Strawberry topping




G7 정상 회의

일본, 미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 캐나다, 이탈리아 정상이 어제부터 이세지마에 모였다..

자국의 안보와 경제를 논의하는 정상들

모임의 의장은 각 나라가 해마다 돌아가면서 맡으며 의장국에서 정상회담을 개최한다.

1975년 프랑스가 G6 정상회의를 창설했다. 미국, 일본, 프랑스, 서독, 영국, 이탈리아, 등 서방 선진 6개국의 모임으로 출범하였으며 그 다음해 캐나다가 추가되어 서방 선진 7개국 정상회담(G7)으로 매년마다 개최되었다. 1990년대 이후 냉전 구도 해체로 세계에서 가장 큰 나라인 러시아가 옵서버 형식으로 참가하기 시작하였고 1997년 이후 러시아가 정식 멤버가 되면서 세계 주요 8개국의 모임으로 불리고 있다.

모임의 의장은 각 나라가 해마다 돌아가면서 맡으며 의장국에서 정상회담을 개최한다.

Seven countries (G7) Summit-Ise-Shima Summit

Its leaders to discuss security and economic
The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit became known as the Group of Seven or G7 in 1976 with the addition of Canada. Russia was added to the political forum from 1997, which then became known as the G8; Russia was, however, suspended in 2014 following the annexation of Crimea. The European Union has been represented within the G8 since the 1980s but originally could not host or chair summits. The 40th summit was the first time the European Union was able to host and chair a summit.
"G8" can refer to the member states in aggregate or to the annual summit meeting of the G8 heads of government. The former term, G6, is now frequently applied to the six most populous countries within the European Union. G8 ministers also meet throughout the year, such as the G7 finance ministers (who meet four times a year), G8 foreign ministers, or G8 environment ministers.




フランスの旗 フランス(仏)
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国(米)
イギリスの旗 イギリス(英)
ドイツの旗 ドイツ(独)
日本の旗 日本(日)
イタリアの旗 イタリア(伊)
カナダの旗 カナダ(加)
ロシアの旗 ロシア(露)


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