Put 9/1890 the Ottoman Empire's first goodwill mission delegation warships see Ertuğrul. cause shipwreck off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture, skewered this town during the return journey ran aground and wrecked. Thrown into the ocean crew 618 people , out of more than 500 people. However, during this catastrophe made selfless rescue by local residents. In elementary school were evacuated while understood village doctors performs first aid, providing food and clothing, despite remaining a small supply in the aftermath of the Typhoon. It's able to come back to Turkey safely, thanks to that saved the lives of 69 people. The ties in this area due to this incident had been deeply engraved in the hearts of the people of Turkey.
And when the flow, in 1985, Iran-Iraq war. Rising tensions by Declaration on indiscriminate attacks against aircraft over Iran, Saddam Hussein. After the Declaration, due to the country's rescue in Iran flew around the rescue flight, escape the Iran one after another. However, the Japan government relief aircraft to fly dangerous ascertain, didn't respond to request for comment. Japanese left Tehran's 215 people Panic in a crisis situation at the Mehrabad International Airport don't help, was made to stand on the verge of despair. In order to overcome this situation the Japan Embassy, Japanese rescue to Turkey. Turkey Prime Minister accepted it readily. Still Turkey's nearly 500 people in Tehran ceded the seat on the plane to Japanese, even though it was. Of bonds between people has been handed down throughout the ages and sincerity. Epic story up to the present, has become a source of friendly relations between Japan and Turkey, the two that all blockbuster inspirational resonate in the hearts of Japanese people, Turkey established the 2015 winter.
해난 1890
Distress in 1890
Invite people of the premiere
터키 대사 부인의 관람
Turkey Ambassadress
진지한 관객들
A serious audience
터키 대사의 인삿말
당시를 연극으로 재현
Reproduced in the play at the time
외교가 없던 당시의 관계
IS 과격단에 의하여 희생된 사건
벨기에 브뤼셀 공항, 역에서 34명의 사상자와 230명 이상의 희생자를 아픈 사건이 다시 발생되었다.
또한 터키 역시 공격을 받는 상황이라서. 공연에 초대된 터키 대사 신병 위험을 감지한 까닭에.
기동대가 출동되었으며 대사는 인사를 마치고 무대 뒤 비밀 통로로 나가야만 했다,
안타까운 지구촌의 소식에 경악하며 희생자와 그의 가족들의 아픔도 함께하는 날이었다.
지구촌 어디든지 안전한 곳은 그다지 많지 않으며 생명의 귀중함을 생각할 즈음이다.
이러한 일련의 일이 남의 일이라고 생각하지 않기를 바라면서.
고인들의 명복은 비는 마음 가득하다.
Is sacrificed accident
On 34 victims and victims of the more than 230 people from the Belgium Brussels airport incident occurred again.
Also state under attack in Turkey. In order to perceive the risk of Ambassador to Turkey was invited to the stage.
After the greetings he goes out secret passageway behind the stage.
It was so sad world, the pain of the victims and his family together.
act of unprovoked aggression a secure hiding place. in the world, think about the preciousness of life
Pray for the souls of the deceased and offer a silent prayer.
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