먼저 저널니스트와 칼럼니스트에 대하여 많이 착각하는데 저널니스트는 말 그대로 신문기자나 방송 기자를 의미한다.
하지만 칼럼니스트는 특정한 지면을 이용하여 자신의 의견과 사상을 주입하는 전문가를 말한다. 정치, 외교
또는 스포츠 등 다양하다. 이들은 신문만을 주로 쓰는 것은 아니다. 작가나 교수 등 겸직을 하면서 신문 집필을 한다.
The author of a column standing on a certain page in a newspaper.The word " corumnitist " was coined in the 1920s, but the columns in the American newspapers are said to be the first ones in the United States of America, such as " New York Journal " and " Pennsylvania Chronicle. "In Japan, " Shigajiro shiro " appeared in the first column of " Tokyo Nichinichi shimbun " after the Sino-Japanese War, and Tomosen ASAHINA, who wrote it, was the first columnist.Currently, the " Tenmonji-go " and " the editorial notebook of the Yomiuri Shimbun " in the Asahi Shimbun are representative columns, but in principle, the author does not reveal his retirement until his retirement.The world-famous columnist is W.Lippman.Like Lippmann, a politician who is politically oriented, there are also columnist's columnist who specializes in gossip and sports gossip.
新聞の特定のページに常設されているコラム (囲み欄) の執筆者。コラムニストという語そのものが生れたのは 1920年頃のアメリカとされているが,アメリカの新聞にコラムが設けられたのは,独立戦争当時の『ニューヨーク・ジャーナル』や『ペンシルバニア・クロニクル』などが最初だという。日本では,日清戦争後の『東京日日新聞』に登場した「近事片々」が最初のコラムで,それを執筆した朝日奈知泉が最初のコラムニストということになる。現在では朝日新聞の「天声人語」や読売新聞の「編集手帳」が代表的なコラムであるが,原則として,その筆者は引退まで明らかにしない。世界的に有名なコラムニストというと,W.リップマンであろう。リップマンのように政治中心の硬派のコラムニストのほかに,芸能やスポーツなどゴシップ専門の軟派のコラムニストもいる。
터키의 칼럼니스트 클럽 회원이 각국 칼럼니스트를 초대했다.
Turkish columnist are invited a columnist for the club
주로 정치 경제를 다루는 칼럼니스트의 의견
터키는 독재 정부
시리아와 미국 관계 등
Principally dealing with the political economy ;
Columnist's opinion
Turkey is a dictatorship.
Relations between Syria and the United States
칼럼은 사상이자 철학이며 보도가 아니다.
The columns are thought to be the thoughts.
The column is thought to be s a philosophy.
column is not a news report.