세상에는 자존심 없는 사람도 많다.
어떤 이유든지 스스로 지켜야할 자신의
모습이 있다.
오늘 한 사례를 들어 이야기하고자 한다.
내 약혼자는 재정적인 이유로 전 여자친구와 함께 산다.
그는 내가 그녀를 만나는 것에 동의하지 않고
그녀와 함께 사는 것에 대해 나에게 말한 적이 없다.
나는 그의 1년 이상의 관계를 통해 알게 되었다
나는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보기 위해 그의 집에 갔다.
나를 사랑하고 나와 함께 있고 싶지만
그가 처한 재정적인 상황에서 벗어나야 했다.
그녀가 가족 친구이기 때문에 그가 전 감정을 보호하기 위해 거짓말을 했다는 것.
나는 그 상황을 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠다.
나는 약혼자를 사랑하고 여전히 그와 함께하고 싶지만
이 상황을 처리 할 수 있는지 모르고 그를 다시 신뢰하는 방법을 모른다.
조언이 필요해요.
그것은 언제나 형편없는 생각이다. 두 사람이 관계를 끝낸 데는 이유가 있었다.
그것이 완전히 해결되지 않는 한, 그것은 함께 사는 동안 다시 자랄 것이다.
솔직히, 어떤 경제적 상황도 당신이 전처와 함께 살 필요가 없을 것이다.
아내, 전 여자 친구 가장 비싼 도시에서도 저렴한 임대료가 많이 있으며,
그 중 하나가 필요한 경우 추가 작업을 수행 할 수 있다.
그리고 마지막으로, 전처와 함께 사는 남자와 관계를 맺는 것을
용납하는 여성은 거의 없을 것이다.,
여자와 아내 그들 중 대다수는 기회가 생기면 남자가
전처와 친밀해질 기회가 주어진다고 의심할 것이다.
그들은 또한 당신이 전처와 함께 산다는 것은
당신 둘 다 이전의 상황을 지나치지 않았다는 것을 의미한다는 것을 깨닫게 될 것이다.
남자의 경우
내 파트너 전 여자친구(나는 여자다)는
우리는 집세를 같이 냈지만, 나는 식료품과 공과금을 지불하고,
그녀가 나에게 소개하지 않는 사람들과 집에서 즐겁게 지내기 시작했을 때
내가 너를 제일 잘 재치있게 말해줄게
비록 당신이 더 이상 당신의 전남편과 연결하고 싶지 않더라도,
많은 사람들은 옥시토신과 다른 심리적, 생물학적 변수의 방출로 인해
My Fiancé lives with an Ex and girlfriend for financial reasons.
He doesn't agree with me meeting her
and had never told me about him living with her.
I found out through a friend of his more than a year in the relationship.
I went to his house to see what was going on. over me
and wants to be with me but needs to get out of the financial situation he is in.
That he had lied to protect the ex's feelings cause she is a family friend.
I don't know what to do with the situation.
I love my Fiancé and still want to be with him but don't know
if I could deal with this situation
and don't know how to trust him again. I need advice.
answer man
It's invariably a poor idea. There was a reason that the two of you
ended your relationship. Unless that has been completely resolved,
it will crop up again again while you are living together.
Frankly, no economic situation would necessitate you living
with your ex. wife, ex girl friend Even in the most expensive cities,
there are plenty of affordable rentals and either
one of you can work an extra job if that's what's needed to get by.
And finally, few women are going to tolerate getting into a relationship
with a man that lives with his ex. girl and wife
The majority of them would suspect (correctly) that
given the opportunity that the man would be intimate with his ex if the opportunity arose.
They would also realize that your living with an ex means
that neither of you have moved past your previous situation.
other Answer man
If your living arrangement (rent, utilities, how to share the flat, groceries)
are sorted out, it could work - but in my case it didn't.
My partner ex-girlfriend (I'm a girl) wanted to try
it out so we could keep living there - a very big space for a reasonable amount
. Pets were involved (two dogs), so that complicated options for moving out.
I thought she wasn't making as much as I was; she worked freelance
and was paid fairly well, but the money was irregular. She couldn't rely on her family.
We shared rent, but I paid for groceries and utilities, drove us around,
and sprang for extras (going out and special occasions).
I'd also given her an extension credit card to help her run a business.
My sympathy turned to annoyance when she began to entertain at home
with people she wasn't introducing to me (and were hostile at times) -
and doing it on my dime. At that point
I was okay with paying rent and utilities, but not more.
My answer
Now if in reality you broke up with your ex-girlfriend, then there is no discussion: you have to move out without question.
Regardless of whether she says she is fine and comfortable with the situation,
she is not. I promise, promise you the moment you bring women
over for the night she will slowly and silently go insane.
I'm trying to watch out for a fellow brother her so excuse me
if I'm a little graphic but I just want you to be aware of what is at stake;
I promise you if you do not move out, you will one day wake up castrated.
I witsh you the best. If in fact you did break up with her and do not move out,
well you and your manhood will be in my prayers.
After a breakup, many people desire time and space to heal,
and choose not to interact much with their ex-partner.
However, more people nowadays continue living
with their partner after a breakup. There are multiple reasons,
including financial issues, the desire to remain friends, or being joint “parents” to a pet.
Even if you don’t want to hook up with your ex anymore,
just knowing that they are in the next room when you’re feeling lonely,
or when you’ve had too much to drink, can make it exponentially
more probable that you end up in bed with them again.
This may be something that you regret or not,
but either way, it usually makes things feel more confusing.
Many people feel more bonded after sex, due to the release of oxytocin
and other psychological and biological variables.
That’s why having sex with an ex can make you wonder
if you really should have broken up with them,
even if you know in your heart that it was the right choice.
いつも貧弱な考えだ 二人があなたの関係を終わらせた理由があった,
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