기쿠치 간 상은 일본 문학 진흥회가 주최하고 문예·영화 등 문화 분야에서 업적을 올린 개인이나 단체를 표창하는 상.
원래는 기쿠치 간의 제창으로 선배 작가의 업적을 기리고 경의를 표하러 1938년에 제정된 것으로 문학 상이었다. 46세 이상의 작가가 표창 대상으로 센 45세 미만의 작가가 전형 위원을 지냈다. 이는 6회로 중단됐다가, 기쿠치가 사라진 것을 계기로 1952년에 부활 그때 수상 대상이 문학 이외의 분야에 펼쳐졌다. 정상으로 시계, 부상으로 100만엔이 수여된다.
The Kikuchi Kan Prize honors achievement in all aspects of Japanese literary culture. It was named in honor of Kikuchi Kan. The prize is presented annually by the literary magazine Bungei Shunjū and the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Literature
The original Kikuchi Kan Prize was proposed by Kikuchi as an award to honor the elders of the literary world. It was established in 1938. In keeping with the intent of the prize, the jury was made up of novelists aged 45 or younger, and recipients were novelists aged 46 or older. The prize lapsed after six years, but was revived in 1952 following Kikuchi's death. The range of recipients was enlarged to honor achievements in cinema, broadcasting, and other fields in contemporary literary culture. The jury meets in October to consider works published from September 1 of the previous year through August 31, and awards are announced in the December issue of Bungei Shunjū
폭넓은 문화 활동의 실적에 주어지는 제65회 기쿠치 간 상(일본 문학 진흥회 주최)이 12일 발표됐고 전 피겨 스케이팅 선수 아사다 마오 씨 등이 뽑혔다.
The 65th Kan kikuji Award (sponsored by the Association of Japanese Literature), which was awarded for the achievement of a wide range of cultural activities, was announced on December 12, and the figure skater Asada Mao was chosen.
권위와 명성이 높은 상
Authority, Fame High prize
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