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Trip to Japan

오키나와 평화공원 2

오키나와 히메유리 여자학교가 있었다. 222명의 여학생과 교사 18명이 전쟁병사 간호까지 하는 상황에서 미군이 밀려온 6월 18일 성폭행과 살상을 두려워한 나머지 전부 자살한 사건이 있다. 이 비극은 생존자 12명의 증언과 유체가 있었던 동굴 장소가 지금의 히메유리 유적지가 되었다.일본내 가장 비극적인 일이 오키나와에는 많이 있음을 알게되는 역사적 장소다.

On June 18, 1945, an order of dissolution was given to the unit. Up until the dissolution order was given, only 19 of the students had been killed, but in the early morning of June 19, many of them were killed during an attack by US forces on the Ibara third surgery shelter. In the week following the dissolution order, approximately 80% of the girls and their teachers perished. Eventually, the death toll amounted to 136 out of 240. Survivors committed suicide in various ways because of fears of systematic rape by US soldiers. Some threw themselves off cliffs while others killed themselves with hand grenades given to them by the Japanese soldiers.



히메유리 평화자료관은 예전 학교 시설을 리모댈링하여 그 시설에 자료를 보관, 전시 중이다. 그녀들이 짧은 인생과 일기, 사진 등 볼 수 있으며

전쟁으로 인한 피해자인 어린 학생들의 집단 자살을 보면서 생각하게 하는 아픈 사건이다.

The Himeyuri Peace Museum was modeled after the main school building in which the girls had once studied. The museum has five display chambers displaying photos from the eve of the Battle of Okinawa, the Haebaru Army Field Hospital, portraits of all the young victims who died after the military's retreat to the southernmost tip of the Kyan Peninsula, panels explaining the circumstances under which they died, twenty-eight volumes of testimonials and memoirs by 90 survivors, and a life-sized diorama of Himeyuri Cave. The testimonials bring to life each phase of the battle, as witnessed by the student nurses. Some of the former nurses serve as tour guides at the museum.

ひめゆり平和祈念資料館は、女の子一度研究していた建物主要な学校モデル化しました博物館ある写真南風原陸軍野戦病院沖縄前夜から喜屋武半島南端軍の退去彼ら死んだ 90 生存回顧録 20-8 ボリュームひめゆり洞窟実物大ジオラマ事情説明するパネル亡くなったすべて若い犠牲者肖像画表示する 5 つ表示部屋生活もたらす戦い段階看護学生によって目撃されるよう看護師いくつか博物館ツアーガイドとしてください。

미군이  오키나와 상륙한다는 보고를 받은 여학교 학생들이 주로 일본군 치료를 하던 간호생들이었으나 미군에 의하여 사살과 폭행이 두려운 나머지 집단 자살한 사건이며 그 사건은 영원히 오키나와에 기억되는 장소로 자료관이 되었다. 생존자들의 증언도 자료 육성으로 보관함.

One of the student Corps Japan army organized in preparation for the Okinawa landing of American troops. Consists of students of the Okinawa Shihan women's school and Okinawa prefectural first girls high school, and care of the sick and wounded soldiers. Worsens the situation of a war with Japan army withdrew South, on the 6/18 order of dissolution. Of the 240 men led by teachers, including 13 teachers, 123 students total of 136 people have sacrificed. Among more than 100 people have died in a few days after the dissolution. After the war, the "Himeyuri students" and called. In the battle of Okinawa, male and female students in the Prefecture around 2,000 people has mobilized student nursing Corps and the iron Chancellor an imperial expedition, about half died.

米軍の沖縄上陸に備えて日本軍が組織した学徒隊の一つ。沖縄師範学校女子部と沖縄県立第一高等女学校の生徒で構成され、傷病兵の看護などにあたった。戦局 が悪化すると日本軍とともに南部に撤退、6月18日には解散命令が出た。引率の教員を含む240人のうち、教員13人、生徒123人の計136人が犠牲 に。このうち100人以上が解散後数日で亡くなった。戦後、総称して「ひめゆり学徒隊」と呼ばれるように。沖縄戦では、県内の男女学生約2000人が鉄血 勤皇隊や学徒看護隊に動員され、約半数が死亡した。

전국 학생이 수학여행 오는 코스다.

Students on a school trip comes in here.


오키나와 전적 국립공원  일본 오키나와 현 오키나와 남단 부, 이토만 시와 시마지리 군 야에세 정에 걸쳐있는 2차 세계 대전 (오키나와 전투)의 전쟁터와 자연 경관을 가진 국립공원이다. 오키나와 전적 국립공원에는 많은 위령 시설 · 기념비 · 위령탑이있으며, 기념비 · 위령탑 수는 중요한 것만 100여점에 이른다. 국립공원 내의 평화기념공원(平和祈念公園)이 잘 알려져 있다. 신원이 정확한 납골 24만 1,336명.

Okinawa Senseki Quasi-National Park is a Quasi-National Park around the battlefields of south Okinawa, Japan. It was established as a Prefectural Park in 1965 and redesignated with the return of Okinawa to Japanese administration in 1972。


이곳은 전역자와 18만의 유골의 밝혀지지 않은 영단이다. 1979년 2월 설립되었다.

National Okinawa national cemetery is enshrined the remains of more than 180,000 pillar crypt and Memorial facility. The 2/1979 was built. Consisting of stacked stone with timbered red-tiled shrine of Ryukyuan Tomb style crypt, the square that surrounds it. A number of prefectures and other groups Memorial and Memorial have been erected


전쟁에 진 대가로 1972년까지 미국령이었던 오키나와가 반환되었다.

Okinawa was returned to Japan until 1972, was a United States


오키나와 아직도 평화가 어려운 이유가 있다.
Okinawa still peace difficult reasons.


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