에도 도쿄 건물원
The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum
에도시대의 건물을 무사시노시고가네이 공원 내 설치하고 있으며 1954년부터 1991년까지의 가옥과 전 총리의 집이 있으며 레프리카가 아니다.
1993년 오픈하였다.
The Musashino Museum in KOGANEI Park from 1954 until 1991, Edo period folk Museum Musashino opening of the Edo-Tokyo Museum, opened in 3/1993。
江戸東京たてもの園(えどとうきょうたてものえん Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum)は、失われてゆく江戸・東京の歴史的な建物を移築保存し展示する目的で東京都小金井市の都立小金井公園内に設置された野外博物館。
Old Koka, (currently, visitor center)-0/1940 (1940) built in the Imperial Palace outer gardens as the venue of the ceremony for the 0/2600. 8/1941 after the ceremony was moved to this place. Formerly advised of tamaya - ornate mausoleum building with Bakufu Grand Master carpenter, built in the Edo 0/1652 (1652), Kora 宗賀. Concubine Jisho-in Temple of the third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu (you swing better, great-grandson of Ishida Mitsunari) commemorates. Tokyo Metropolitan Government designated tangible cultural property (buildings).
Takahashi korekiyo residence - politician was assassinated on 2-26 incident and Takahashi korekiyo residence. Completion of 0/1902 (1902). Total Toga construction. In case of early Japanese-style house with glass Windows. Korekiyo was assassinated in the second floor of this building.Nishikawa House by house - style mansion (Nishikawa House townhouse) Nishikawa silk founder, Nishikawa Italy "for serving and retired, as with. 0/1922 (1922) was completed.ITA home gate-Taisho era ITA Dukes (old Uwajima family) is Platinum the front gate of the mansion was built in the area. Pieces built in daimyo residences constructed by others.
teahouse built by drift master YAMAGISHI's dwelling (of water)
旧光華殿(現・ビジターセンター) - 昭和15年(1940年)に紀元二千六百年記念式典の会場として皇居外苑に造営。式典終了後の昭和16年8月に当地へ移築された。
旧自証院霊屋 - 江戸初期の慶安5年(1652年)に建てられた、幕府大棟梁甲良宗賀による華やかな霊廟建築。3代将軍徳川家光の側室自証院(お振りの方、石田三成の曾孫)を祀ったもの。東京都指定有形文化財(建造物)。
高橋是清邸 - 二・二六事件で暗殺された政治家・高橋是清の邸宅。明治35年(1902年)落成。総栂普請。和風邸宅に窓ガラスを使った初期の事例である。是清はこの建物の2階で暗殺された。
西川家別邸 - 西川製糸創業者・西川伊左衛門が接客用兼隠居所として用いた和風邸宅(西川家別邸)。大正11年(1922年)竣工。
伊達家の門 - 大正時代に伊達侯爵家(旧宇和島藩伊達家)が白金三光町に建てた屋敷の表門。片番所を設けた大名屋敷の格式で建てられている。
도쿄의 각각의 동네에 있던 귀중한 집들을 옮긴 것
There was a valuable House shifted
집 소유주가 누구였는지 상세한 설명과 연도가 나온다.
There is a description of who is the owner of this House.
과거를 재현한다.
일본은 절대 물건을 함부로 버리지도 부수지도 않는다.
Japan is to absolutely do not thrown away .
에도시대의 집은 과거로의 여행이다.
House of the Edo period is going to the past trips.
그들은 갔지만 그들의 물건은 남았다.
Even if they die their household had remained intact.
넓고 좋은 집
Spacious and nice house
집의 목욕탕
실내 화장실
일본은 5세기 이후 2층 3층을 지었다.
과거 외국인이 살던 집
미쓰이 재벌의 과거 집
요즘 사찰처럼 내부가 넓다.
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