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아일랜드 이민국 추가적 일시 연장 발표

Minister McEntee announces further temporary extension of immigration permissions

  • Minister McEntee announces further temporary extension of immigration permissions

Minister McEntee announces further temporary extension of immigration permissions

  • For permissions due to expire between 21 April 2021 and 20 September 2021
  • Applies to people with permission extended under previous notices
  • For permissions registered by the Immigration Service and An Garda Síochána

26 March 2021

The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, T.D., has today announced a further temporary extension of immigration and international protection permissions to 20 September 2021. This applies to permissions that are due to expire between 21 April 2021 and 20 September 2021 and includes permissions that have already been extended by the previous 6 temporary extensions.

Announcing the measure, Minister McEntee said:

“As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, I want to reassure people whose immigration permissions are due to expire shortly that your legal status in the country will continue to be maintained. To do this, I am introducing a further automatic extension to 20 September 2021 for anyone already holding a valid permission.

“This extension will benefit those who cannot get an appointment to register or renew an existing permission. However, I encourage anyone who can renew, particularly Dublin-based customers who can use the online system, to do so and not to wait until September.

“It is intended this will be the final temporary extension of immigration permission, however we will continue to keep the situation under review as part of our national response to the pandemic.”


The temporary extension of immigration permissions means that people who held a valid permission to be in the State in March 2020 are legally permitted to remain until 20 September 2021, even if  their Irish Residence Permit (IRP) card has expired and they are awaiting a new one. Renewal is on the same basis as the existing permission and the same conditions will continue to apply. Tens of thousands of people will benefit from this measure.

The Registration Office in Burgh Quay remains closed as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions announced by Government in December. Customers who were issued with appointments for first time registrations, will be contacted directly by the Immigration Service and they will be prioritised for appointments once the Public Office can safely reopen. We thank our customers for their understanding and patience during this difficult time.


Note for Editors

This further extension will apply to the same 3 primary categories of people as before, whose permissions are due to expire between 21 April 2021 and 20 September 2021:

1.      Renewal of existing permissions / registrations

People who hold a current valid permission, or a permission that has already been extended under the previous notice(s).

2.      Awaiting first registration 

People granted permission to land at a port of entry on condition they register at Burgh Quay or their local AGS registration office within 3 months but who have yet to do so.

3.      Short stay visas

People in the country on foot of a short stay visa and who have been granted permission to remain for less than 3 months who may be unable to leave the State and return home due to uncertainties caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.


All renewals in the Dublin area are being processed online only since 20 July 2020, at: https://inisonline.jahs.ie. Therefore, it is also open to customers resident in the Dublin area to make an online renewal application.

Renewals outside of the Dublin area are processed by the Garda National Immigration Bureau through the Garda Station network. Information on the contact details for all the registration offices outside Dublin is available at: https://www.garda.ie/en/about-us/our-departments/office-of-corporate-communications/news-media/reopening-of-registration-offices.html.     

Since 2 December 2020, customers renewing their permission are no longer required to submit their passport to have an immigration stamp attached by a Registration Office. Further details are available at: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/new-arrangements-for-renewal-of-registrations.

The Registration Office in Burgh Quay has been closed since 23 December due to COVID-19 restrictions. First time registrations require the taking of biometrics – fingerprints – and therefore cannot be carried out online. The Public Office will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so and customers who have had appointments cancelled will be prioritised at that time.


이 발표는 2021년 4월 21일부터 9월 20일까지

비자가 만료되는 사람에 국한된 것이므로 착오 없기 바란다. 

3번째 연기된 출입국, 이민국 소식이지만 재갱신은 인터넷으로 가능하다. 


1. 기존 허가ᆞ등록의 갱신
현재 유효한 허가를 받은 사람 또는 이전 통지(s)에 따라 이미 연장된 허가.

2. 최초 등록을 기다리는 행위
사람들은 3개월 이내에 Burgh Quay 또는 지역 AGS 등록 사무소에

등록하는 조건으로 입국 항구에 착륙할 수 있는 허가를 받았지만

아직 신청하지 않은 사람.

3. 단기 체류비자
짧은 체류 비자로 아일랜드 체류,

코로나바이러스 대유행으로 인한 불확실성으로 인해

국가를 떠나 집으로 돌아갈 수 없을지도 모르는

3개월 미만의 체류 허가를 받은 사람들.



더블린 지역의 모든 갱신은 2020년 7월 20일 이후 온라인에서 처리되고 있다.


더블린 지역에 거주하는 고객에게도 온라인 갱신 신청을 할 수 있다.

더블린 지역 밖의 갱신은  경찰서와 네트워크를 통해 국립 이민국에 의해 처리된다.

더블린 외곽의 모든 등록 사무소에 대한 연락처 세부 사항은

https://www.garda.ie/en/about-us/our-departments/office-of-corporate-communications/news-media/reopening-of-registration-offices.html에서 확인할 수 있다.


2020년 12월 2일부터 허가를 갱신하는 고객은

등록 사무소에 이민 우표를 부착하기 위해 여권을 제출할 필요가 없다.

자세한 내용은

http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/new-arrangements-for-renewal-of-registrations에서 확인할 수 있다.

Burgh Quay의 등록 사무소는 COVID-19 제한으로 인해

12월 23일부터 폐쇄되다.처음 등록하려면 생체 인식 - 지문 -을 취해야하므로

온라인으로 수행할 수 없다.

재개관은 안전이 확보되는 대로 재개관할 예정이며,

예약이 취소된 고객은 당시 우선순위를 정할 예정이다.



불법 체류자 관리는 하지 않고 이민국은 닫혔다.

더구나 온라인 신청을 하라는 아일랜드

갈수록 웃기는 정책이다.

온라인도 잘 열리지도 않는다. 이게 무슨 완화 정책인지. 

아일랜드는 1년 이상 상점과 레스토랑을 닫은 상태에 있다.

감옥 생활과 다를 바 없는데 이제 20킬로 전후 움직이란다.

그래도 여기가 좋다고 찬양 일색인 미친것들은 누구인가.

영국 때문에 아일랜드는 지금 매우 힘든 코로나 록다운 생활을 하고 있다.

모든 직장이 일주일 3번 또는 시간 단축하고 있으며 아일랜드는 유럽 국가

중에 가장 많은 월급 외채를 빌렸다. 노는 놈들만 많고. 갈수록 태산이다.

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