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Japanese Food

釜飯- 솥밥

가마메시로 불리는 일본 솥밥은 밥에 간장, 미림 양념을 넣고 그 위에 표고버섯, 닭고기 등의 재료를 올려 일인용 에서 지은 쌀밥 요리다. 일종의 비빔 쌀에에서 여러 재료를 넣고 냄비 채로 식탁에 제공하는 것이 특징이다. 솥의 유형으로 철, , 뚝배기 도자기, 다카다 도자기 자주 사용된다. 다이쇼 12 (1923년), 관동 대지진 도쿄 우에노에서 시행된 무상 급식 힌트 얻은 아사쿠사에 釜めし春 라는 일본식 레스토랑의 여주인이 개발하여 1인용 솥밭이 히트를 치게 되면서 인기를 누리게 되었다.  일본은 여러 종류의 솥밥집이 많다.

Kamameshi (釜飯) literally translates to "kettle rice" and is a traditional Japanese rice dish cooked in an iron pot called a kama. Kamameshi originally referred to rice that was eaten communally from the kama. Kamameshi was originated in a town called Takeshitakama also known as Okunamikama. Coworkers or family members either ate directly from the kama pot or by transferring the rice to individual bowls.The term emerged in the late Meiji period, and is associated with the communal eating of rice in the aftermath of the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. Later, similar to takikomi gohan, kamameshi came to refer to a type of Japanese pilaf cooked with various types of meat, seafood, and vegetables, and flavored with soy sauce, sake, or mirin.  By cooking the rice and various ingredients in an iron pot, the rice gets slightly burned at the bottom which adds a desirable flavor to the rice. Kama designed specifically to prepare kamameshi appeared on the market as the dish became popular across Japan, and the prepared kamameshi is placed directly on the table in its pot for the meal. A small-scale replica of the kame is used to create an individual serving of kamameshi, and the dish is now a popular ekiben.

Chinese cuisine also prepare rice in a similar way using a clay pot and is known in Chinese as guō fàn (鍋飯) or in Cantonese bo jai fan (煲仔飯). The cooking style is popular in Canton and Hong Kong.


게 가득한 솥밥

Filled with crab -kettle rice kamameshi


게 솥밥

crab kamameshi


1인용 솥밥



일본은 솥밥 전문점 많다.
Kama-meshi shops abound in Japan

이세에비 솥밥

Japanese spiny lobster kettle rice



Rice Dumplings while small red beans boiled with sugar sweet rice cakes and nectar sweet balls and chestnut sauce, the food.


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