몰타 로타리 클럽 스피치
일본 문화와 정신에 관한 스피치를 몰타 로타리 클럽에서 하게 되었다.
물론 로터리 클럽에 가입할 예정이다. 일본을 워낙 유럽인들이 좋아하고
그 바른 정신이 어디에서 나오는가 대한 스피치였다. 모두 동경하는 일본
그리고 정신을 간추렸다.
1. 그룹 정신
1. 자신보다 집단을 우선시하고, 더 나아가 상사의 명령을 따르는 일본의 잘 알려진 성향.
2. 다른 사람을 대할 때 정직함
3. 질서와 청결에 대한 존중,
하이테크 화장실과 함께. 비데가 설치된 화장실
4. 손으로 하는 것 선호
반면에 구직자들은 자신이 지원하는 직책에 대한 존중과 관심에 있어
성실한 경우가 많다. 그것은 아마도 당신이 컴퓨터에 의존하지 않고
한자를 정확하게 기억하고 쓸 수 있는 몇 안 되는
사람 중 한 명이라는 것을 보여주는 역할을 할 것입니다.
선거도 종이에 이름을 직접 쓴다.
번호 표기는 기계 조작, 부정 선거가 있을 가능성 대비하여
유권자가 출마자 이름을 연필로 쓴 종이를 수작업한다.
물론 간단한 한문 표기가 많아서 문제가 없다.
5. 감정적이고 공격적이지 않음-
6. 명확한 외교 또는 경제 정책.
7. 도덕성에서 수치심의 중요성
"미안해"라는 의미(고멘나사이, 스미마센, 오소레이레마스, 모시와케고자이마센).
8. 소송을 싫어한다
일본은 국가에서 멀리 떨어져 있으며
현재 1억 2천만 명이 넘는 개인으로 구성되어 있으며,
그 말에서 알 수 있듯이 각자 고유한 사고 방식을 가지고 있다.
9. 일본인의 90% 이상이 애국자와 우익이다.
요점은 우익 정당인 자민당이 150년 동안 변하지 않았다는 점이다.
10. 일본은 전시에 도주하지 않으며, 해외에 거주하는 일부 일본인은
일본을 방어하기 위해 돌아온다.
그것이 일본인의 사고방식이고 쉽게 국적 허락하지 않는다.
11. 이민 불허 원칙에 입각한 아시아 최강국의 강국이다.
Japan traditional culture and Japanese spirit Tea Ceremony:
A ceremony in which water is boiled and tea is made and served to guests,
and it also includes manners that create spiritual exchanges and show respect for others.
Martial arts: Sports culture born from the skills and spirit that samurai
should acquire. Judo, kendo, karate, etc. Calligraphy:
Introduced from China, which has a culture of kanji,
It expresses the beauty of characters using a brush and ink
Japanese food culture “Japanese food culture” is highly regarded around the world.
It is said that the culture of eating rice as a staple food and side dishes began in the Yayoi period,
and that a unique Japanese food culture began to emerge in the Hean period. In these times,
Zen Buddhist monks could not eat meat, so they developed dishes that used soybeans
and soup stock, leading to today's Japanese cuisine. It is characterized by the
"umami" of dashi stock, and the delicate seasoning of salt and soy sauce
that brings out the "taste of the ingredients
The origin of kimono can be traced back to the Yayoi period, when kosode,
short-sleeved clothes, became popular among the common people,
and the kimono culture developed after the Heian period. In the Meiji era,
the government promoted westernization,
and the custom of wearing kimonos on a daily basis gradually faded away.
Yukata: A type of cotton kimono worn in summer.
Furisode Furisode has longer sleeves than normal kimono
and is considered a formal dress for unmarried women
Tomesode A kimono with sleeves that are shortened from furisode sleeves,
and is considered formal wear for married women
Hakama It has existed since the Kofun period, but since the Meiji period,
It has been used for the reason that women do not wrinkle when sitting and are easy to move
Japanese architecture A common thread in Japanese architecture is the use of wood.,
which is characterized by its structure assembled with pillars and beams.
Wooden architecture has been adopted in Japan since ancient times
because of the abundance of timber and its suitability for the country's climate.
In contrast, the standard method of constructing a house in Europe
and the United States is to join panels into the shape of a dwelling,
instead of constructing with pillars and beams
What is the difference between "shrine" and "temple"?
This is the most asked question by foreigners…
The main difference is that a “jinja” (Shrine) is a facility that believes in “Shinto” (Beliver)
and a “tera” (Temple) is a facility that believes in “Buddhism”.
Since Shinto is a religion that believes in various gods,
``shrines'' are considered to be places where gods are worshiped in various
parts of Japan. On the other hand, a “temple” is defined
as “a place where monks practise buddhisam”
What is the difference between "shrine" and "temple"? This is the most asked question by foreigners…
The main difference is that a “jinja” (Shrine) is a facility that believes in “Shinto”
(Beliver) and a “tera” (Temple) is a facility that believes in “Buddhism”
Since Shinto is a religion that believes in various gods, `
`shrines'' are considered to be places where gods are worshiped in various parts of Japan.
On the other hand, a “temple” is defined as “a place where monks practise buddhisam”
Setsubun It used to mean 'dividing the seasons'
and was an event on the day before the beginning of spring February 3rd
Hinamatsuri A day to celebrate the growth of girls. March
Tango A day to celebrate the growth of boys. May
Tanabata The legend states that ``Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet
once a year in the Milky Way‘’ The event was passed on from China,
and It is equivalent to Valentine Day in oriental culture July 7th
Obon A period during which the souls of the deceased return to the world,
an event to hold a memorial service for the spirits of their ancestors.
Awa Otori Tokio – August Other cities - July
Tsukimi An event to appreciate the harvest moon in autumn. Full moon. August 15th
Hot springs (Onsen) Traditional cultural hot springs that blend into everyday life:
Japan is said to have been using hot springs since the Jomon period in Japan,
which has a large number of hot spring sources.
Sento It is said that the business of ``sento'',
in which people paid for bathing in hot water, developed during the Edo period.
Bowing It originated from the culture of etiquette in China,
``Bow your head and show your head to show that you are not hostile''.
Taking off your shoes indoors It is said that the habit of taking off
your shoes came into being for various reasons, such as the structure of the house,
to keep your feet from getting stuffy, and sitting directly on the floor.
1. Group mentality
Japan’s well-known propensity for putting the group before the self,
and by extension following orders from one’s superiors.
2. Honesty in dealing with others
3. Respect for order and cleanliness,
Along with the with high-tech toilets. bidet-equipped toilet, remember
4. Preference for doing things by hand
on the other hand, job hunters often sincerity in their respect for
and interest in the position they are applying for. It probably also serves to show
that you’re one of the few who can still correctly recall
and write kanji characters without relying on a computer. election also.
5. No Emotional and aggressive-
6. clear diplomatic or economic policy.
7. Importance of shame in morality four commonly used ways to say
“I’m sorry” meaning (gomen nasai, sumimasen, osoreiremasu, and moshiwakegozaimasen).
8. Dislike of lawsuits
Japan is far from the nation is now made up of over 120,000,000 individuals,
and, as the word implies, each has their own, unique mindset.
9. More than 90% of Japanese are patriots and right-wingers.
The point is that the right-wing party, the Liberal Democratic Party,
has remained unchanged for 150 years.
10. Japan will not run away when war, some of Japanese living abroad
will return to defend Japan. I am too, will return the war.
That is the mentality of Japanese people, and we do not easily change our nationality.
11. The most powerful country in Asia, as a rule of not allowing immigration,
1. グループ精神
1. 自分よりも集団を優先し、上司の命令にさえ従う日本でよく知られた傾向。
3. 秩序と清潔の尊重。
できる数少ない人物の 1 人であることを示すのに役立つでしょう。選挙も。
5.感情的で非攻撃的 -
6. 明確な外交政策または経済政策。
7. 道徳における恥の重要性
8. 訴訟嫌い
それぞれが独自の考え方を持つ 1 億 2000 万人を超える人々で構成されています。
9. 日本人の 90% 以上が愛国者で右翼です。
10. 日本は戦争の時も逃げず、海外に住んでいる日本人の何人かは
11. 移民を許可しないという原則として、アジアで最も強力な国、