조니 뎁 사건 판결
조니 뎁 (Johnny Depp)은 배심원이 워싱턴 포스트에서
그녀의 2018년 기사가 명예 훼손이라고 판결 한 후
전 아내 앰버 허드 (Amber Hear)에 대한 수백만 달러의 미국 소송에서 승리했다.
뎁 씨는 아쿠아맨 스타를 5천만 달러에 달하는 소송에서
"나는 성폭력에 반대하며 우리 문화의 분노에 직면했다. 그것은 바뀌어야한다. "
이 기사는 뎁의 이름을 언급하지 않았지만,
그의 변호사들은 그가 함께 있는 동안 허드 씨를 신체적,
성적으로 학대했다는 것을 거짓으로 암시한다고 말했다.
6 주간의 증거와 약 13 시간의 심의 끝에 배심원들은
수요일에 뎁 (Depp)에게 유리한 평결을 지었다.
배우에게는 징벌적 손해로 1,000만 달러(800만 파운드)의 보상 손해와
5백만 달러(4백만 파운드)의 추가 손해배상이 주어졌다.
평결 후, 뎁은 성명서에서 배심원단이 "내 삶을 돌려 줬다"고 "겸손했다"고 말했다.
그는 "처음부터 이 사건을 제기하는 목적은 결과에 관계없이 진실을 밝히는 것이었다.
"진실을 말하는 것은 내가 내 자녀들과 나를 지지하는 데
굳건히 남아 있는 모든 사람들에게 빚진 것이었다.
"나는 마침내 그것을 성취했다는 것을 알고 평화롭게 느낀다."
그는 계속해서 "나는 전 세계의 쏟아지는 사랑과 엄청난 지원과 친절에 압도 당하고 있다.
"나는 진실을 말하고자하는 나의 탐구가
내 상황에서 자신을 발견 한 다른 사람들, 남자 또는 여자들에게 도움이되기를 희망하며,
그들을 지지하는 사람들은 결코 포기하지 않기를 바란다.
"나는 또한 법원과 언론 모두에서 유죄가 입증 될 때까지 그 지위가 무죄로 돌아 오기를 희망한다."
뎁은 평결에 참석하지 않았으며 음악가 제프 벡 (Jeff Beck)과 함께
사흘 밤 연속으로 무대에서 공연 한 후 영국 북동부에 있었다고.
법정 앞 법무팀 구성원들 사이에 앉아 있던 헤어드는 판사가 판결을 낭독하자 낙담한 표정을 지었다.
이 사건은 남성에 관한 , 또는 폭력에 관한 일방적인 이유가 아닌 진실을 밝히는데 그 목적을 두었다.
여하간 가정 폭력하면 무조건 여성에게 유리한 일반적 사건과 달리 매우 오랫동안 다룬 사건이며
유명 배우의 사건이었으므로 세간의 관심이 집중되었으며 상당한 금액의 보상이 나온 점은
그만큼 이 사건의 허와 실을 밝히는데 기여했다는 점이다.
Johnny Depp has won his multimillion-dollar US lawsuit against
former wife Amber Heard after a jury ruled her 2018 article in the Washington Post was defamatory.
Mr Depp sued the Aquaman star for 50 million dollars over the piece,
titled: “I spoke up against sexual violence — and faced our culture’s wrath. That has to change.”
The article does not mention Mr Depp by name,
yet his lawyers said it falsely implied he physically and sexually abused
Ms Heard while they were together.
Following six weeks of evidence and roughly 13 hours of deliberation,
jurors returned a verdict in favour of Mr Depp on Wednesday.
The actor was awarded compensatory damages of 10 million dollars (£8 million)
and a further five million dollars (£4 million) in punitive damages.
Following the verdict, Mr Depp said in a statement
that he was “humbled” that the jury had “given me my life back”.
He said: “From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case was to reveal the truth,
regardless of the outcome.
“Speaking the truth was something that I owed to my children and to all those
who have remained steadfast in their support of me.
“I feel at peace knowing I have finally accomplished that.”
He continued: “I am, and have been, overwhelmed
by the outpouring of love and the colossal support and kindness from around the world.
“I hope that my quest to have the truth be told will have helped others, men or women,
who have found themselves in my situation, and that those supporting them never give up.
“I also hope that the position will now return to innocent until proven guilty,
both within the courts and in the media.”
Mr Depp was not present for the verdict, and was reportedly in the north east of England,
after performing onstage for three nights in a row with musician Jeff Beck.
Ms Heard, who was present, was sitting between members of her legal team
at the front of the court room, looked downcast as the ruling was read out by the judge.
He said: “From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case
was to reveal the truth, regardless of the outcome.
“Speaking the truth was something that I owed to my children
and to all those who have remained steadfast in their support of me.
“I feel at peace knowing I have finally accomplished that.”
He continued: “I am, and have been, overwhelmed by the outpouring
of love and the colossal support and kindness from around the world.
“I hope that my quest to have the truth be told will have helped others,
men or women, who have found themselves in my situation,
and that those supporting them never give up.
“I also hope that the position will now return to innocent until proven guilty,
both within the courts and in the media.”
Mr Depp was not present for the verdict, and was reportedly
in the north east of England, after performing onstage for three nights in a row with musician Jeff Beck.
Ms Heard, who was present, was sitting between members of her legal team
at the front of the court room, looked downcast as the ruling was read out by the judge.
彼は言った: "最初から、この事件をもたらすという目標は、