excellent quality

콘래드 힐튼

T. Juli 2019. 2. 23. 00:00

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콘래드 힐튼
콘래드 니콜슨 힐튼(Conrad Nicholson Hilton, 1887년 12월 25일 ~ 1979년 1월 3일)은 미국의 사업가로, 힐튼 호텔 창업자이다. 뉴멕시코 준주 (현 뉴멕시코주) 샌안토니오에서 노르웨이계 독일인 이민자의 아들로 태어났다. 뉴멕시코 사관 학교에서 교육을 받은 후 1차 세계 대전에 미국이 참전하면서 프랑스로 보내졌다. 퇴역 후 텍사스주 시스코로 이주하여 당초 은행을 인수하여 은행가가 되려고 생각했지만, 우연히 찾아낸 모블리 호텔을 1919년 인수하였고, 그 일이 그의 호텔 경영의 시초가 되었다. 그 다음은 호텔 경영에 재능을 발휘하여 1930년에는 힐튼 호텔 최초의 고급 호텔인 플라자 호텔을 개업했다. 대공황기에는 파산 직전까지 몰렸지만, 그 후 재건하였고 1946년에 힐튼 호텔 코퍼레이션을 설립하고 주식 상장을 했다. 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되어 현재에 이르고 있다. 1979년 1월 3일, 샌타모니카에서 노쇠하여 사망했다.

Conrad Nicholson Hilton (December 25, 1887 – January 3, 1979) was an American hotelier and the founder of the Hilton Hotels chain.
Conrad Hilton was born in San Antonio, Hilton attended the Goss Military Academy (since renamed as the New Mexico Military Institute) and St. Michael's College (now Santa Fe University of Art and Design), and the New Mexico School of Mines (now New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM). He was a member of the international fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon – Alpha Omicron Chapter. In his early twenties, Hilton was a Republican representative in the first New Mexico Legislature, when the state was newly formed. He served two years in the U.S. Army during World War I. His father was killed in a car accident while he was serving in the Army in France.On January 3, 1979, Hilton died of natural causes at the age of 91. He is interred at Calvary Hill Cemetery, a Catholic cemetery in Dallas, Texas. He left $500,000 to his two surviving siblings, $100,000 to his daughter Francesca, and $10,000 to each of his nieces and nephews. The bulk of his estate was left to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, which he established in 1944. His son, Barron Hilton, who spent much of his career helping build the Hilton Hotels Corporation, contested the will, despite being left the company as acting President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. A settlement was reached and, as a result, Barron Hilton received 4 million shares of the hotel enterprise, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation received 3.5 million shares, and the remaining 6 million shares were placed in the W. Barron Hilton Charitable Remainder Unitrust

コンラッド・ニコルソン・ヒルトン(Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Sr.、1887年12月25日 - 1979年1月3日)は、アメリカの実業家で、ヒルトンホテルの創業者。2番目の妻はザ・ザ・ガボール、曾孫にパリス・ヒルトン、ニッキー・ヒルトンがいる。

1887年12月25日にニューメキシコ準州(現ニューメキシコ州)ソコロ郡のサン・アントニオで、ノルウェー系ドイツ人移民の息子として生まれた。 ニューメキシコ軍人養成学校で教育を受けた後、第一次世界大戦にアメリカが参戦すると、従軍してフランスへ送られた。退役後テキサス州シスコに移住し、当初銀行を買収して銀行家になろうと思ったが、買収に手ごろな銀行がなく、たまたま見つけたモブレー・ホテルを1919年に買収したのが彼のホテル経営の最初である。その後はホテル経営に才能を発揮し、1930年にはヒルトン・ホテル最初の高級ホテルとなるエル・パソ・ヒルトン(現プラザ・ホテル)を開業した。世界恐慌期には破産寸前にまで追い込まれるが、その後立て直し、1946年にヒルトン・ホテルズ・コーポレイションを設立し、株式の上場を果たした。その後の経営は順調に進み、現在に至っている。 1979年1月3日、サンタモニカで老衰死した.

하와이 와이키키 1등지에 토지를 소유한 힐튼이 호텔을 짓고 있으며 펜트하우스 회원을 모집하고 있다.

Hilton, who owns land in Hawaiian Waikiki I, is building a hotel and is looking for a member of the Penthouse.


전세계 회원권은 포인트로 계산하며 관리비가 있다.

Membership tickets from all over the world are calculated by points and have administrative expenses.


등기를 한다. 시즌에 우선순위를 준다지만 실제 관리비 계산과 가입비를 계산하면 그다지 좋은 회원권은 아니다.

Register. Even though it gives priority to the season,

 it's not a very good membership card if you calculate the actual cost of management or membership.

登記をつける. シーズンに優先順位を与えるとはいえ,実際の管理費の計算や加入費を計算すれば,あまり良い会員券ではない。

힐튼의 명성만큼 유혹하는 회원권
like Hilton's fame
seductive membership
