2019 세츠분
콩 뿌리기를 하는 유래
옛날에는, 계절의 분기점에는 마가 들었다고 생각하는 계절 중 세츠분은 봄이 오기 전을 의미한다.
1년 중 중요한 고비이며 고대 중국의 명절이었다. 물러나라 하면서 귀신이나 마귀를 쫒는 일종의 토템적
신앙이다. 일본에는 헤이안 시대에서 궁중으로 전해졌으며 마귀 즉 도깨비 등을 물리치는 방식과 콩치기가
합해서 유래된 것으로 안다.콩과 쌀은 신사에서 사용하는 중요한 곡식으로 마메 어조가 도깨비를 물리치는
힘이 있다고 믿으며 무병장수, 재해 방지 등으로 시사하고 있다.
Origin of bean sowing
Once upon a time, at the break of the seasons It is thought that evil spirits are easy to get in.
be about years old among "Setsubun" is "New Year's Eve."It was an important milestone in the year.
be held on the Setsubun of ancient China It's called the "Farewell."There's an evil event that drives away the ogre.
It was introduced to Japan in the Heian period.It was adopted as a court event.
It's a court event of the "Jobin." It was held during the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons.
of a bad-tempered event It's a ceremony called bean-throwing.It is said to be the origin of bean-throwing.
It's soybean, which is used for bean paste.From ancient times, in Japan,
the five grains have been inhabited by the grain spirits.It's supposed to have the power to get rid of evil spirits.
the condition of being used in Shinto rituals with rice
The devil's eye, the devil's eye.And I threw the beans at the eye of the devil.
of (a) destroyer It's a combination of words.by hitting the ogre with beans
out of spite in the sense of hope of a year of illness It's in.
昔は、季節の分かれ目には「邪気」が入りやすいと考えられており、 中でも年の分かれ目である
「節分」は「大晦日」にあたる1年の中で重要な節目でした。 古代中国の節分の日に行われる
칸다 메이신 세츠븐 축제
Kanda meisin Setsubun Festival
콩을 뿌릴 때 " 도깨비는 밖으로, 복은 안"이라고 말하면서 콩 뿌리기를 한다.
옛날에는 도깨비는 '마의 기운'을 가리키며 재해나 병 같은 나쁜 것은
전부 도깨비의 짓이라고 생각되고 있었다. 거기서, 사악한 도깨비를 쫓아버리고,
복을 불러들이는 의미로 "도깨비는 밖으로, 복은 안"이라고 소리를 지른다.
When You Sprinkle Beans"
The goblin goes out, the blessing come to house."
throw away the beans by saying that
In the old days, goblins refer to the energy of the devil, and bad things like disasters and illnesses are common.
It was all thought to be the work of a goblin. There, he chased the evil goblin away,
They shout, "The goblin goes out, the blessing comes in" as a way of bringing good luck.
豆まきをする時 「鬼は外、福は内」と 言いながら豆まきしますよね。 昔は、鬼は「邪気」のことを指し
災害や病気などの悪いことは 全部鬼のしわざと考えられていました。
そこで、邪気である鬼を追い払い、 福を呼びこむという意味で 「鬼は外、福は内」と かけ声をかけるようになりました
위에서 콩을 던지는 사람은 유명인과 일정 금액을 낸 사람
그들이 던지는 콩을 받는 사람 모두가 행복한 하루
If you throw beans from the top, you're not going to see them.
a person who has paid a certain amount of money with a celebrity
a happy day for everyone who receives the beans they throw