캔디 걸
아마노 요시타카天野 喜孝,는 일본인 화가이자 캐릭터 디자이너이다. 《뱀파이어 헌터 D》의 삽화로 유명해졌고, 스퀘어 에닉스의 게임 《파이널 판타지》 시리즈의 캐릭터와 로고 디자인을 맡아왔고, 《독수리 오형제》와 《타임 보칸》같은 애니메이션의 캐릭터를 디자인했다. 섬세하고 요염하며 환상적인 필채는 미국에서도 인기를 끌었고, 뉴욕, 런던, 파리, 리옹, 쾰른 등에서 개인전을 열어왔다.
Yoshitaka Amano is a Japanese artist, character designer, illustrator and a theatre and film scenic designer and costume designer. He first came into prominence in the late 1960s working on the anime adaptation of Speed Racer. Amano later became the creator of iconic and influential characters such as Gatchaman, Tekkaman: The Space Knight, Hutch the Honeybee and Casshan. In 1982 he went independent and became a freelance artist, finding success as an illustrator for numerous authors, and worked on best-selling novel series, such as The Guin Saga and Vampire Hunter D. He is also known for his commissioned illustrations for the popular video-game franchise Final Fantasy.
Since the 1990s Amano has been creating and exhibiting paintings featuring his iconic retro pop icons in galleries around the world, primarily painting on aluminium box panels with acrylic and automotive paint. He is a 5-time winner of the Seiun Award, and also won the 1999 Bram Stoker Award for his collaboration with Neil Gaiman, Sandman: The Dream Hunters.
Amano's influences include early Western comic books, art nouveau, and Japanese woodblock prints. In early 2010, he established Studio Devaloka, a film production company.
野 喜孝は、日本の画家、キャラクターデザイナー、イラストレーター、
装幀家。舞台美術や衣裳デザインも手がける。旧名は天野 嘉孝。息子の天野弓彦もイラストレーターである。
아들과 함께 환상적 그림으로 매우 유명하다.
He is very famous for his fantastic paintings with his son.
이번 전시는 캔디걸이다.
This exhibition is Candy Girl.
역시 그림에도 오로라가 보인다.
You can also see aurora in the picture.