Diplomatic Relation

아프리카/ 코트디부아르 축제

T. Juli 2018. 7. 28. 00:00

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

코트디부아르 축제

Cote d'Ivoire festival


코트디부아르는 아프리카 대륙에 있는 공화국이다. 수도는 야무수크로이며, 최대 도시는 아비장이다.

구 프랑스령 서아프리카로, 1960년 8월 6일에 독립했다. 기니 만 연안은 열대 몬순 기후를 띠고 있고 연 2회 우기가 있다. 내륙의 고원 지대는 우량이 적어 열대 사바나성 기후를 보인다. 국가 원수는 대통령이고 단원제의 국민의회가 있다. 친프랑스적이며 자유주의 경제를 표방한다.

주요 수출품은 커피·코코아·목재 등의 농림 생산물이 절반 이상을 차지한다. 커피·코코아 생산량은 세계 3위이고, 코코아 수출량은 세계 1위이다. 1970년대에 아비장 남쪽 해저에서 유전 2개소가 발견되면서 석유 수출국으로 전환될 가능성을 갖고 있다. 인근의 다른 나라들에 비해 자본주의 경제가 발달되고, 수도 아비장에는 국제공항과 국내 최대의 항구가 있으며 자동차 조립·알루미늄·과일 통조림 제조 공업이 성하다. 주민은 바률레·아그니·세누포 등의 여러 부족이며, 부족 종교가 성행한다. 공용어는 프랑스어다.

Ivory Coast, also known as Côte d'Ivoire and officially as the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire is a sovereign state located in West Africa. Ivory Coast's political capital is Yamoussoukro, and its economic capital and largest city is the port city of Abidjan. Its bordering countries are Guinea and Liberia in the west, Burkina Faso and Mali in the north, and Ghana in the east. The Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean) is located south of Ivory Coast. Prior to its colonization by Europeans, Ivory Coast was home to several states, including Gyaaman, the Kong Empire, and Baoulé. Two Anyi kingdoms, Indénié and Sanwi, attempted to retain their separate identity through the French colonial period and after independence. Ivory Coast became a protectorate of France in 1843–1844 and later a French colony in 1893 amid the European scramble for Africa. Ivory Coast achieved independence in 1960, led by Félix Houphouët-Boigny, who ruled the country until 1993. The country maintained close political and economic association with its West African neighbors while at the same time maintaining close ties to the West, especially France. Since the end of Houphouët-Boigny's rule in 1993, Ivory Coast has experienced a coup d'état, in 1999, and two religion-grounded civil wars. The first took place between 2002 and 2007and the second during 2010–2011. In 2000, the country adopted a new constitution. Ivory Coast is a republic with a strong executive power invested in its President. Through the production of coffee and cocoa, the country was an economic powerhouse in West Africa during the 1960s and 1970s. Ivory Coast went through an economic crisis in the 1980s, contributing to a period of political and social turmoil. In the 21st century the Ivorian economy is largely market-based and still relies heavily on agriculture, with smallholder cash-crop production being dominant. The official language is French, with local indigenous languages also widely used, including Baoulé, Dioula, Dan, Anyin, and Cebaara Senufo. In total there are around 78 languages spoken in Ivory Coast. Popular religions include Christianity (primarily Roman Catholicism), Islam, and various indigenous religions.



나이지리아 출신으로 나이지리아 일본 협회 회장을 지내는 케네디 회사 
Kennedy Company, a Nigerian who serves as chairman of the Nigerian Japan Association.

나이지리아 출신의 Kennedy Fintan Nnaji

Kennedy Fintan Nnaji from Nigeria


는 일본에서 열심히 사업하여 자국 학교 세우나이지리아 후원하고 있다.

He worked very hard in Japan and set up his own school. It is sponsoring Nigeria.


코트디부아르 코너

Cote d'Ivoire corner


남 아프리카 코너

South Africa Corner


에티오피아 코너

Ethiopian corner


악어  구이

crocodile foot fry


닭고기 맛과 같다는 악어 발

crocodile foot that says it tastes the same as chicken
