필리핀 클라크
클라크 공군 기지는 필리핀 루손 섬의 팜팡가 주 앙헬레스의 북서부, 수도 마닐라 북서쪽 약 60km지점에 있던 미국 공군 기지이다.
기지 이름은 1919년 파나마 운하 근처에서 수상기의 사고로 숨진 해럴드 M클라크 소령의 이름을 땄다. 일본과 격전을 벌이던 곳이였으며 1991년 미공군이 필리핀에 반납하여 현재는 미모사 골프장 내의 모든 시설이 거의 한국인이 장악하는 지역이다. 마닐라 공항에서 거의 2시간 소요되며 한국 아시이나는 클라크 공군 지역내에 직항 운영하고 있다.
Clark Air Base is a Philippine Air Force base on Luzon Island in the Philippines, located 3 miles (4.8 km) west of Angeles, about 40 miles (64 km) northwest of Metro Manila. Clark Air Base was previously a United States military facility, operated by the U.S. Air Force under the aegis of Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and their predecessor organizations from 1903 to 1991. The base covered 14.3 square miles (37 km2) with a military reservation extending north that covered another 230 square miles (600 km2).
The base was a stronghold of the combined Filipino and American forces during the final months of World War II and a backbone of logistical support during the Vietnam War until 1975. Following the departure of American forces in 1991, the base eventually[clarification needed] became the site of Clark International Airport, the Clark Freeport Zone and the Air Force City of the Philippine Air Force.
In April 2016, an "Air Contingent" of USAF A-10s and HH-60s was deployed from U.S. air bases in Pyeongtaek and Okinawa to Clark. The Air Contingent was composed of five A-10C Thunderbolt IIs from the 51st Fighter Wing, Osan AB, South Korea; three HH-60G Pave Hawks from the 18th Wing, Kadena AB, Japan; and approximately 200 personnel deployed from multiple Pacific Air Force units.The primary mission of the contingent appears to be to patrol disputed South China Sea islands, "to provide greater and more transparent air and maritime domain awareness to ensure safety for military and civilian activities in international waters and airspace. The air contingent builds upon previous deployments by U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft to Clark.
미공군 지역였으며 비행학교도 있고 골프장도 많으며
외국인 학교가 속속 설립되고 있으며 미국의 유수한 연구소
포철에서건설중인 아파트, 힐튼, 메리어트가 건설이 한창이다.
with a U.S. Air Force area, a flight school, and many golf courses.
leading research institute in the United States where many foreign schools have been established
Construction of condominiums, Hilton and Marriott hotel,
which are under construction at posco is actively underway.
경비행기 학교 옴니
Pilot school OMNi
경비행기를 배우는 미래의 파이롯트
future pilots who will study light aircraft
미모사 골프장의 오너는 한국인에서 필리핀으로 전환
Mimosa golf course owners have changed from Korean to the Philippino
필리핀의 쇼핑센터는 SM이 장악한다.
The shopping center in the Philippines is dominated by SM.
필리핀은 아직도 음주 운전 가능한 나라.
The Philippines is still a country where people can drink and drive.