Japanese culture

행복도 줄서서 기다린다.

T. Juli 2017. 12. 26. 00:00

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

아나하치만구는 도쿄 신주쿠 니시 와세다에 있는 진자다. 사업번창, 출세를 기원하는 곳으로 과거에는

다카 하치만 이었다.

Anahachiman-gu Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in the urban area of NishI-Waseda, NishI-Waseda, Shinjuku Ward,

 Tokyo.It is said that there is a profit from the attractiveness of business, success and prosperity,

 as well as charms.Its former name was TAKATA  Hachimangu Shrine.



아나하치만구에서는 12월 22일 동지제를 열었다. 동지에서 춘분까지 아나하치만구에서 부적이나 호신패를

판매하고 있으며 많은 인피로 북적거리는 곳이며 연말, 세츠분 역시 붐빈다.

On December 22, 2017, the toji festival in Anahachiman-gu Shrine is on the winter solstice.
 About a month and a half of the winter solstice from the day of the winter solstice to February 3, 2018,

received a charm and charm for the Imperial Palace in the precincts of Anahachiman-gu Shrine.
During this period, there is a lot of people crowded around the area between Saturday and Sunday,

 on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, and on New Year's Eve and on Setsubun.


복을 비는 마음
줄을 길게 선 행렬에서 많은 느낌이 든다.

A wish to pray for happiness
There is a lot of feeling in the long line.
