E.U대사의 연설
주일 유럽연합 대사 연설회
한국과 중국 양국 대사의 경력을 가진 루마니아 출신 유럽 연합 대사
2000-2002 Ambassador, Korea /Romania
2002-2011: Ambassador to China/ Romania
2000 年~2002 年駐韓国ルーマニア大使
2002 年~2011 年駐中国ルーマニア大使
Ambassador serving to Beijing and Tokyo in 1980-90 as Romania diplomat, who has been a Korea and Chinese ambassador for much of the year 2000-10 years. He was also in charge of cooperation with Asia in the European Union. The diplomat who had been related to Asia for many years was indeed fluent.
"Commerce is important, of course, but it is not limited to cooperation," and "we aim at deeper and wider cooperation in the international community beyond the bilateral relationship." The ambassador complained that in addition to the economic partnership between Europe and the free trade pillar, it would be important to promote diplomatic and security cooperation.
The threat of terrorism, the turmoil, aging and climate change in the Middle East and Africa situation.... "It is not enough to respond to the problems facing the world. Collaboration between Europe and the EU is indispensable. " This message was the most powerful in the interview.
유럽 연합은 미국에 대응하는 거대한 그룹이다.
The European Union is a group that corresponds to the United States.
국가와 국가 이념과 경제 생각하게 하는 부분이다.
It is part of the identity and economic thinking of the country and country
지구촌의 변화 일본과 유럽의 협력적 관계