일본 사찰
Ikegami Honmon-ji is a temple of the Nichiren Shū south of Tokyo, erected where Nichiren is said to have died. Also Nichiren's disciple Nikkō spent the rest of his life at this temple.The temple grounds also include Nichiren Shū's administrative headquarters.
A short walk from Ikegami Station (Tōkyū Ikegami Line) or Nishi-Magome Station (Toei Asakusa Line), Ikegami Honmon-ji contains a number of buildings, most of which have been reconstructed since the bombing of 15 March 1945. They include the Important Cultural Property designated five-storey pagoda built in 1608, the kyōzō built in 1784, and the hōtō built in 1781 where Nichiren was cremated. Other buildings have been rebuilt, or newly constructed, since 1945. Now in Ōta-ku, suburban Tokyo, Ikegami Honmon-ji was at some distance from the city until the mid-20th century. Basil Hall Chamberlain and W. B. Mason wrote of it in 1907: Its fine situation and magnificent timber make it one of the most attractive points within easy reach of Tōkyō. The area between the station and the temple hosts a large festival, O-Eshiki from 11 to 13 October, with mandō and matoi; thousands of worshippers visit the temple.
일본 사찰은 국립이 없다.
일본 승려 대부분 결혼한다.
일본 사찰은 묘지 관리를 우선으로 한다.
Japan temples are not national.
Most of the Japan monks get married.
Japan Temple is keep the Cemetery.
일본 승려는 화려한 승려 복장, 결혼, 장례에 입는다.
Japanese monks wear colorful monk costumes, weddings, funerals.
일본 사찰은 공개, 비공개
유료와 무료가 있다.
Paid and free.
신도가 매일 기도하거나 법문을 듣게 허락하지 않는다.
참고- 니치렌은 일련의 일본 발음, 니치렌은 일본의 승려로 추앙받는 자
나무묘법 연화경 즉 남묘호랑캐쿄라고 불리는 일련종과 관련 분파가 많다.