山手 (横浜市)ー요코하마 야마테
Yamate (山手?) is the name of a historic neighbourhood in Naka-ku, Yokohama often referred to in English as The Bluff. The neighbourhood is famous as having been a foreigners' residential area in the Bakumatsu, Meiji and Taisho periods. The neighborhood still maintains a reputation as an exclusive residential district today, along with the Motomachi neighborhood located at the foot of the Yamate hill.
From 1862 until 1875, British diplomatic and commercial interests were protected by a troop garrison stationed at Yamate at the crest of the hill overlooking the harbour, a location that now serves as Harbour View Park. After a series of attacks on the British Legation at Yedo a military guard for British diplomats stationed at Yokohama was first established in 1860.
페리스 여자 대학
Ferris University
From 1862 until 1875, British diplomatic and commercial interests were protected by a troop garrison stationed at Yamate at the crest of the hill overlooking the harbour, a location that now serves as Harbour View Park. After a series of attacks on the British Legation at Yedo a military guard for British diplomats stationed at Yokohama was first established in 1860. In 1861 this small detachment was supplemented by Royal Marines from HMS Renard. Much larger numbers of troops of the 20th (East Devonshire) Regiment of the Foot arrived on troopship HMS Vulcan in January 1864, together with two companies of the 2nd Baloochees from the Bombay Native Infantry.A Marine Battalion arrived on May 25, 1864 aboard HMS Conqueror bringing garrison troop numbers in that year to 1,700. In subsequent years these units were replaced by members of the 9th 11th, 67th and the 10th (North Lincoln) Regiment of Foot.
아름다운 서양식 건물들
Beautiful wooden Western House
아름다운 서양식 건물들2
Beautiful wooden Western House
에리스만 저택
Ehrismann Residence
스위스인 무역상 프리츠 엘리스만의 저택으로, 1925년에서 1926년에 걸쳐, 야마테 127번 지 (위치 보다는 남동에 400m 정도)에 건설 되었다. 디자인은 체코 출신의 건축가 안토닌 레몽드. 소유자가 여러 번 바뀌고 제 2 차 세계 대전의 피해로아파트 건설을 위해 철거 되었다. 역사적인 가치를 알아낸 요코하마시는 부자재를 매입, 1990년에 모토 마치 공원에 옮겨져 복원 되었다. 2001년요코하마 시 공인된 역사적 건물로 선정되었다.
As the residence of Switzerland who trade and Commerce Fritz Erisman from 1925 until 1926, Yamanote 127 (from the current Southeast location 400 metres) to built. It was designed by Czech architect Antonin Raymond. Elliman's death will change owners several times but escaped the damage of World War II in 1982, demolished for apartment construction. Purchased materials found the monumental city of Yokohama, was relocated and restored Motomachi Park in 1990. Yokohama city certified historic building was selected in 2001
スイス人貿易商フリッツ・エリスマンの邸宅として、1925年から1926年にかけて、山手127番地(現在地より南東に400mほどの位置)に建設された。設計はチェコ出身の建築家アントニン・レーモンド。エリスマンの没後は数度所有者が変更となり、第二次世界大戦の被害を免れたものの1982年にマンション建設のため解体された。歴史的価値を見出した横浜市は部材を買い取り、1990年に元町公園内に移築・復元した. 2001年には横浜市認定歴史的建造物に選定されている
dinning room
Owner Fritz Erisman (Fritz Ehrismann, 1867 – 1940) was born in Zurich, Switzerland, came to Japan in 1888, as a manager of the silk trading company Sebel hegner quotient. Lived in Japan until his death in 1940, asleep in the Yokohama foreign cemetery after his death.
施主のフリッツ・エリスマン(Fritz Ehrismann、1867年-1940年)はスイス・チューリッヒ出身で、生糸商社シーベル・ヘグナー商会の支配人として1888年に来日。1940年に亡くなるまで日本で暮らし、没後は横浜外国人墓地に眠っている。
일부는 카페로 운영하고 있다.
Some of the place is now cafe operating
요코하마 백반장자였던 이시가와의 저택
Ishikawa was in Yokohama millionaire, his residence
요코하마 백반장자였던 이시가와의 저택2
Ishikawa was in Yokohama millionaire, his residence
로베르트 베릭 1873년-1952년) 런던 출신으로 친족에 의해 경영하였던 문구 용품 및 기계, 화지, 칠기 등을 취급 하는 무역 회사 베릭 프라자 상회를 만들어, 1898년에 25세 일본에 옴. 사업을 원활 하게 확장 하고 1919년에는 상호를 베릭 상회로 수정 했다. 도쿄의 주일 핀란드 대사관은 그의 경험에 주목 하 여 핀란드 영사에 취임을 요청. 베릭은 흔쾌히 수락 하고 이 베릭 저택에서 집무를 했다. 이 집에서 10년 정도 살다가 제 2차 세계 대전이 끝나고 가족과 함께 캐나다의 밴쿠버로 이주. 1952년에 캐나다의 사망했다.
Owner Bertram Robert Berwick (Bertram Robert berrick, 1873 - 1952) a trading company stationery from London, had been run by the family, machine, paper, lacquer and berickbrother shokai to succeed, Japan in 1898 at the age of 25. Business grew steadily and the surname Berwick shokai company in 1919. Embassy of Finland in Tokyo and focus on his career, seeking appointment to the Consulate of Finland. And ment it is Berwick, Berwick House in Office. Approaches World War II lived here 10 years or so, but the family moved to Vancouver in Canada. In 1952, died in Canada.
施主のバートラム・ロバート・ベリック(Bertram Robert berrick、1873年-1952年)はロンドン出身で、親族により経営されていた、文房具や機械、和紙、漆器などを扱う貿易商社「ベリックブラザー商会」を継ぐべく、1898年に25歳で来日。事業を順調に拡大し、1919年には商号を「ベリック商会」に改めた..東京の駐日フィンランド大使館は彼の経歴に注目し、フィンランド領事への就任を要請。ベリックはこれを快諾し、このベリック邸で執務を行った。ここで10年ほど暮らしたが、第二次世界大戦が近付き、家族でカナダのバンクーバーに移住。1952年にカナダで永眠した.
배릭 홀
배릭 홀2
배릭 홀3
The British Minister Bert RAM/Robert Berwick's mansion, was built in 1930. Design is a United States-born architect J/H Morgan, Yamate 111 times lined with tube, his is on e of the representative works of residential construction. Berwick's House has been donated to the Catholic Mary Maria times, Council-run St. Joseph School was used as a dormitory. Berwick Hall's name is Maria in the named. In 2000, after the city of Yokohama school building donated by the city. Motomachi Park as part of the maintenance, since 2002, open to the public, historic buildings, Yokohama was chosen in 2001.
イギリス人貿易商バートラム・ロバート・ベリックの邸宅として、1930年に建設された。設計はアメリカ出身の建築家J・H・モーガンで、山手111番館と並び彼の住宅建築の代表作の一つである. ベリックの没後はカトリック・マリア会に寄贈され、同会の運営するセント・ジョセフ・インターナショナル・スクールの寄宿舎として使用された。「ベーリック・ホール」の名称は、マリア会の命名によるものである。2000年に同校が閉校となったのちは横浜市が敷地を取得し、建物も市に寄贈された。元町公園の一部として整備が行われ、2002年より一般公開されている. 2001年には横浜市認定歴史的建造物に選定されている.